Equality statement

Equality statement 2023


Otto Olsen AS works for equality and against discrimination, and the work is done in accordance with Section 26 of the Equality and Discrimination Act.

Our goal is for Otto Olsen to be characterized by equality, absence of discrimination and equal opportunities regardless of gender, ethnic and cultural background, or sexual orientation. To be an attractive employer, equality and diversity are important key factors.

Our ethical guidelines emphasize that we must show respect to colleagues as well as business partners and competitors. We must be inclusive and contribute to a working community free from discrimination of any kind. Everyone at Otto Olsen AS must contribute to a working community without bullying, harassment, harassment or the like. We must have a working environment based on full equality and we encourage employees to report objectionable conditions in the company, without fear of reprisals.

Status of gender equality

We have a goal of increasing the proportion of women in the company when recruiting new people. There are generally few women who apply. We have not had any involuntary temporary employees. Those who have worked part-time have done so based on their own needs.

Salary mapping for 2023 is not subject to reporting.

* The table and comments below show mapping carried out for 2022.

We have prepared a gender-divided salary statistic divided into relevant job levels, including an assessment of bonuses and other benefits.

The mapping of wage differences between women and men shows that there are differences, but the review has shown that there are no systematic differences as a result of discrimination. The salary differences are linked to competence, responsibility, working conditions, efforts and seniority.

This is how we have worked with equality, diversity and inclusion

The work for equality and against discrimination is anchored in the company's board and management, as well as in the company's ethical guidelines for employees and for our business partners. The company's working environment committee has equality topics on the agenda in all ordinary AMU meetings.

The company's HSE representatives / shop stewards have been involved in the work where we have assessed the risk of discrimination and harassment, and also in the division of job levels for mapping pay differences.

The work environment survey carried out in 2023 dealt with, among other things, questions about the experience of being treated differently. The result was not disturbing, although a few have responded that they have been treated differently. The survey was anonymous. Investigations were initiated and measures introduced where possible.

Our goals for 2023

  • Attract more female applicants in recruitment processes
  • Countering harassment


We discovered the following risks of discrimination and obstacles to equality

  • Our industry seems to attract men much more than women. There are very few female applicants for vacant positions. There are also few women who seek careers internally.
  • Harassment


Implemented measures

  • All recruitment advertisements we have published in 2023 have encouraged women with the right skills to apply.
  • There have been no notifications beyond the employee survey regarding harassment.
  • An employee survey has been carried out, evaluated and reviewed with all employees.
  • Meetings with individual departments on topics related to the working environment and well-being have been carried out


Results of the work and expectations for the equality work going forward

Beyond the two risk areas we have described above, all measurements in relation to well-being factors such as sickness absence, injuries, results from employee surveys, input from employee interviews etc. indicate that Otto Olsen has a good working environment. Nor have findings been made that show that employees generally feel discriminated against.

Plan for further work in 2024

  • Recruitment strategy to get more women to apply for a job with us
  • Continue to increase competence for all employees in relevant areas through internal and external courses, as well as via the digital competence platform we have adopted.
  • Facilitate internal career opportunities for women who want this

Do you have any questions?

Send us a message or contact the department directly if you want help finding the solution that is right for you.

Join us at Fagdager 5 and 6 June

Otto Olsen organizes professional days on 5 and 6 June here at our head office. We welcome all customers and contacts to two educational and exciting days.

Join us at Fagdager 5 and 6 June

Otto Olsen organizes professional days on 5 and 6 June here at our head office. We welcome all customers and contacts to two educational and exciting days.