Parker Premium Distributor

GS-Hydro Norway AS

Otto Olsen AS acquired GS-Hydro Norge AS on 1 January 2018 and merged the company into Otto Olsen AS on 24 September 2018

Otto Olsen has one of Norway's largest stock of hydraulic hoses, fittings, couplings, seamless hydraulic pipes and F37 flange system. This is a continuation of the range of GS-Hydro Norge AS.

Parker Bronze bronze

Total supplier of hydraulics

Otto Olsen is a Parker Premium Distributor with one of Norway's largest stock of hydraulic hoses, fittings, couplings, seamless hydraulic pipes and F37 flange system. From 1 July 2020, we are also stocking the Racor filter system.

Parker is one of the world's largest manufacturers of hydraulic products and as a Premium distributor we can offer you as a customer a wide range of products and expertise from the Parker Hannifin universe.

Otto Olsen is a total supplier within prefabrication of pipes and hoses. 

As a partner from "a to å", we can assist with all technical solutions from surveying (3D laser tracking), drawing material, prefabrication according to drawings in addition to assisting with supervisor and / or assembly work.

Our cold solution piping system is a cost-effective solution where pipes are prefabricated to measure and then installed on new or existing plants.
Prefab workshop for flanging and processing of pipes and pipe parts as well as pipe bending machine up to 6 ”(170mm). We can offer flushing of pipes if needed. Oil tel. and

Do you have any questions?

Send us a message or contact the department directly if you want help finding the solution that is right for you.

Join us at Fagdager 5 and 6 June

Otto Olsen organizes professional days on 5 and 6 June here at our head office. We welcome all customers and contacts to two educational and exciting days.

Join us at Fagdager 5 and 6 June

Otto Olsen organizes professional days on 5 and 6 June here at our head office. We welcome all customers and contacts to two educational and exciting days.