The Transparency Act
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The Transparency Act
Otto Olsen AS aims to be a responsible employer. We recognize the long-term importance of compliant business conduct because it creates trust among employees, customers, owners and other stakeholders.
With our solutions, products and services, we want to contribute to the continuous improvement of sustainable and economic development, environmental responsibility and social justice. In everything we do, we respect human rights, health, the environment and safety.

The Transparency Act
The text above is taken from our ethical guidelines.
The guidelines otherwise deal with specific requirements for:
- Child labor and forced labour
- Health and safety
- Employee rights
- Confidential Information
- Harassment and discrimination
- Political independence
- Fair competition
- Anti-corruption
- Equal treatment
- Sustainable environment
- Whistleblowing
Suppliers and partners
We expect all our suppliers and business partners to respect our ethical standards
guidelines and acts in accordance with them. Furthermore, we expect our suppliers to ensure
that our ethical guidelines are also followed by their subcontractors when they work with us.
Otto Olsen AS must emphasize working conditions and environmental conditions when choosing new ones
We only do business with suppliers, customers and partners who respect our ethical standards
guidelines and acts in accordance with them.
Description of the company's structure
Otto Olsen is a Norwegian-owned company with extensive experience and high technical expertise. We offer a
wide range of products for various industries. In addition to the head office, Otto Olsen is at
Berger located with warehouse and production unit in Kristiansand. We are approx. 120 employees.
The leadership group consists of 10 members with different areas of responsibility in the organization such as
finance, sales, purchasing, HR, quality and HSE, product expertise, logistics and production.
Description of the company's structure
Otto Olsen supplies technical products and complex solutions to industry and trade,
mainly in Norway, but also abroad. The products and solutions are divided into the following
- Hydraulics
- Industrial components
- Plastic
- Rubber
- Seals and gaskets
- Transmissions
- Fluid handling
We also have our own production of seals and gaskets as well as workshops for hose and
pipe processing.
Procedures for approval and re-approval of suppliers to Otto Olsen
- Self-evaluation form completed by new suppliers must be approved after submission
or rejected by the purchasing manager. All A suppliers must be re-approved every 3 years - All new suppliers must sign that they comply with all our requirements specified in our
ethical guidelines. - At our request, all suppliers must sign that their products are in line
with the requirements of the EU directives for Reach, ROHS and Asbestos.
Industries we sell to
Otto Olsen supplies products and solutions to the following markets / industries:
- Offshore and marine
- Transportation
- Food and pharma
- Contractor, asphalt and crushed stone
- Mechanical industry
- Metal industry
- Paper and wood processing
- Aquaculture
Anchoring the work with human rights and decent
working conditions
The work to fulfill the requirements of the Openness Act is anchored in the Otto Olsen AS board.
The managing director has the overall responsibility for compliance with requirements in the law, and reports to the board when board meetings are held. Other responsibilities are placed as follows:
- The head of quality, HSE and HR is responsible for following up the work internally, and that
instructions, routines and other documentation that have been prepared are used internally in accordance with applicable requirements. - The purchasing manager is responsible for expectations and guidelines for responsible business
appears in all new agreements with our suppliers. - The purchasing manager must carry out a due diligence assessment regarding human rights and
working conditions in cases where the new supplier is located in a country with such a risk. - The purchasing manager will plan and carry out supplier audits at our most important
suppliers specified in their own audit plan. The revisions will largely deal with
the supplier's control routines for subcontractors in risk countries. - The purchasing manager must obtain information from the relevant supplier by external request
from the customer about the country of manufacture, etc.
Notification channels and complaint mechanisms that will help uncover negative consequences
We have a notification system in line with the Working Environment Act for our employees.
Questions to Otto Olsen about our work with due diligence assessments and compliance with requirements in the Transparency Act are sent to
Notifications and complaints in accordance with Violations of human rights and the working environment are sent to the same email address.
Read Otto Olsen's explanation of requirements in the Transparency Act here
Do you have any questions?
Send us a message or contact the department directly if you want help finding the solution that is right for you.